Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Natural Phenomenon

Aurora is a phenomenon of light emission on burning layers of a planet's ionosphere as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field of the planet owned by charged particles emitted by the Sun ( the solar wind ) . The solar wind is a stream of electrons and protons that apart from the sun due to the high kinetic energy that has both particle and the temperature of the sun . The flow of the solar wind particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field , some of these particles leads to a polar earth with growing speed . The collision between these particles and the atoms contained in the Earth's atmosphere releases energy that causes the formation of polar auroras on earth that looks like a big circle around the pole . Hence aurora more frequent and brighter shine when the sun is most active producing Corona Mass Ejection which led to increased intensity of the solar wind .

The energy released when the particles collide can be seen visually by the color of different light . The colors seen depend on the height and type of molecules present . At altitudes above 300 km the particles collide with atoms of hydrogen cause auroras reddish light color . Altitude of 140 km , collisions with oxygen molecules cause the aurora blue or purple light . Altitude of 100 km , the particles collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms cause green or pink light. On Earth , auroras occur in the area around the North Pole and South magnetic poles . Aurora that occurs in the northern region known as the Aurora Borealis , which is named after the Goddess of Dawn Rom , Aurora , and the Greek name for north wind , Boreas . This is because in Europe , the aurora often looks reddish in the northern horizon as if the sun will rise from that direction . Aurora borealis always occurs between September and October and March and April . The phenomenon of the aurora in the south , known as the Aurora Australis has attributes that serupa.But sometimes auroras appear at the top of the mountain in a tropical climate.

Magnetism of the earth is the appearance of the aurora in the polar regions . Suppose a charge with a certain velocity into the area containing the magnetic field at an angle that is not perpendicular to the magnetic field . Shape of the particle turns into a spiral trajectory . Earth has a magnetic field with a direction out of the south pole ( geographic north pole of the earth ) and the entrance to the north ( south geographic pole of the earth ) . when charged particles from outer space enter earth with a certain angle , then the particles will move towards and across the Earth's poles . As long as the particles moving in a spiral trajectory , the particle has acceleration that emit electromagnetic waves . As it approaches the Earth's poles , the concentration of particles are large and electromagnetic waves very large and can be observed in the sky the earth's poles .


If conditional

1. If I die tomorrow, I will tell you about my feeling right now
    If I died tomorrow, I would tell you about my feeling right now
    If I had died tomorrow, I would have told you about my feeling right now

2. I will go to Paris, If i finish my study
   I'd go to Paris, I I finished my study
   I'd have gone to Paris, if I had finished my study

3. If you spend a lot of money, you will be a poor man quickly
    If you spent a lot of money, you would be a poor man quickly
    If you had spent a lot of money, you would have been a poor man quickly

4. If I have free time, I will go for vacation
    If I had free time, I would go for vacation
    If I had had free time, I would have gone for vacation

5. I will make a cake for you, if you do my homework
    I would make a cake for you if you did my homework
    I would have made a cake for you if you had done my homework

6. If I have a lot of money, I will build a school
    If I had a lot of money, I would build a school
    If I had a lot of money, I would have built a school

7. I will be happy if I get good grades
    I would be happy, if I got good grades
    I would have been happy, if I had got good grades

8. If I go to wedding invitation I will wear nice clothes
    If I went to wedding invitation I would wear nice clothes
    If I had gone to wedding invitation, I'd have wore nice clothes

9. If I finish my homework I will sleep
    If I finished my homework I would sleep
    If I had finished my homework I would have slept

10. If you tell  me the truth I will appreciate it
     If you told me the truth I would appreciate it
     If you had told me the truth I would appreciate it

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Student Council - Next Leader

Good afternoon! My name is Lalita Dyani. I’m from eleven science 2. I’m one of the candidate for student council. This is my very first time participating in this kind of student council. Even though this is my first time but I feel very steady to nominate themselves to become student council. I am grateful to those who have supported me so far. If elected I would then I will do my best to bring a better change for this school.
As I've said,  though this was the first time I participated in student council, I already feel steady and has a series of plans that I want to run. The plan I arrange by what I've seen over the past one and a half years I went to this school. I note from the flaws and merits and based on that I made such a plan. Maybe first of all, I will convey my vision. My vision is to make 3 Senior High School becomes more advanced and better in different aspects and Insha Allah can bring 3 Senior High School for the better.
I also have some missions to accomplish my vission. The first one I will try to organize and cooperate with every extracurricular or Olympic coach for academically and non-academically for more participating them in the appropriate events in their field so they got a lot more experience and improve any flaws that may make them more advanced. Secondly, I will strive to make 3 Senior High School  students participated more  in  our mayor programs. As more actively participating "Rebo Nyunda", "Kamis Inggris", and "Jumat Bersepeda" programs. Thirdly, I have some plans for this school to give more attention for application of religion to the students.
So that’s all I can say to you all and I hope to get together with all of you bring 3 Senior High School into a better change. I hope you can all join me in seeking the best for our beloved school. And anyone who would later become the student council at the school, I hope will do his/her best efforts for this school.

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014


Holiday part 1!!!!
Finally the day that i've been waited for so long is coming! "Bakti Desa"! "Bakti Desa" is one of my school program. We have to devote ourselves to the villagers. It's almost like community service.
My first day there is just took a walk with my classmates at Sukapura village. This village is really really really awesome. The view of the mountain was stunning. Plantation looked like a tapestry. The villagers was very friendly. The weather was so beautiful, the atmosphere was very comfortable. Such a perfect place to be the stress reliever. I took some photo with my friend there.
This is me, shasa, and febby

And look at this view, really stunning
tapestry on the horizon!

At night me and my classmates taught some children at madrasah. We're studied, played games, and sang together. 
Next day, me and my friends with our 'parents' went to Citarum. The terrain we pass along to Citarum was very challenging, very slippery, an it was just like downhill. We met other friends there. We were taking photos, enjoying Citarum. After we felt satisfied, we helped our 'parents' harvesting celery. After finished harvesting celery, we went to our house. 
At afternoon we helped teachers to organized the food which will be given to the villagers. At the evening we gathered at the house of one of our friend's parents.
Our last day in the village of sukapura, our activities were handing out basic food and then packed up and went home. Its quite hard to left Sukapura which was so convenient and enjoyable. I'm gonna miss my 'parents' and my 'brother' there.

Holiday part 2!!
I have realized that this holiday wasn't really a holiday. My teacher gave me tasks which is very tiring. And those tasks were 'Gamtek'!! Students have to made not only a monochromatic designbut also a polichromatic design. So i decided to made the monochromatic first. I searched in google for the design and after that i copied that design to an A3 paper. The basic design was red and i have to made it darker or brighter. My teacher said that made an odd colors levels was better than even-numbered colors levels.
But still, even I have those tasks i decided to woke up when the sun has risen high. I thought i need extra hours of sleep after losing it at school day. 
In the first week of holiday, i bought some acrylic paint, labels paper, and drawing book. So i started to did my homework. i admitted that painted the labels paper color by color was quite fun. It needed a day to finish all the colors levels. 

After that, i started to copied the design into the A3 paper. It also needed  a day too to copied the design because i can't draw well. After i finished copying design into the A3 paper, I started sticking the labels which have been painted into the paper. And i spent my new year night with those label, acrylic paint, and other stuff. And the next day....i finished my monochromatic task!! Tadaaaaaaa....

I realized i still have the polichromatic task! It was just like i want to screamed all day realizing that i still have that task.However i have to got it done! So i started to searched the design at google. After i found it, i counted the colors levels and made the mixture of colors. I'm a little bit confused while mixing the colors.

When i finished painted the labels color by color i started to sticking the labels to A3 paper. But even when the holiday ended, I haven't finished that task.
That was my holiday, what about you?