Senin, 18 November 2013

Summary of Short Story

"One thousand dollars," said the lawyer Tolman.  "And here is the money.”
Young Gillian touched the thin package of fifty-dollar bills and laughed.

"You heard the reading of your uncle's will after he died," continued the lawyer Tolman.  "I do not know if you paid much attention to its details.  I must remind you of one.  You are required to provide us with a report of how you used this one thousand dollars as soon as you have spent it.  I trust that you will obey the wishes of your late uncle."
Gillian went to his club. He searched for a man he called Old Bryson.Gillian ask, how could he spent one thousand dollars. 
" There are many good things a man could do with a thousand dollars,” said Bryson. "You?" he said with a gentle laugh.  "Why, Bobby Gillian, there's only one reasonable thing you could do. You can go and buy Miss Lotta Lauriere a diamond necklace with the money and then take yourself off to Idaho and inflict your presence upon a ranch.”
"Thanks," said Gillian as he rose from his chair. 
And then, Gillian went to Miss.Lotta Lauriere. He asked Miss.Lauriere whether she want him to buy her a one thousand dollars necklaces. But Miss.Lauriere refused because she wants a two thousand dollars necklace.
Gillian went out from the building and looking for a taxi. After he get it, he asked the driver what would he do if he had one thousand dollars. The driver said he would open a drinking place. But Gillian still confused.
After that, he met a blind man and he asked the same question that he asked to the taxi driver. A blind man explained that he would deposit it to the bank.
Gillian went to Miss.Hayden. He didn't ask like the way he did before. He just entered the room like the world were unimportant. He just said "My uncle had second thoughts and willed you a thousand dollars.  Tolman asked me to bring you the money.  Here it is.”
Gillian laid the money  on the desk.  Miss Hayden turned white. "Oh!" she said.
Gillian half turned and looked out the window.  In a low voice he said, "I suppose, of course, that you know I love you."
"May I write a note?" asked Gillian, with a smile.  Miss Hayden supplied him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table.
Gillian wrote a report of how he spent the thousand dollars: “Paid by Robert Gillian, one thousand dollars on account of the eternal happiness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth."
Gillian went out happily from the room and then he went to Mr.Tolman. "Mr.Tolman, i've spent my one thousand dollars and i come to present the report of it."
Gillian told how he spent his one thousan dollars. Mr.Tolma said,"because you've spent your one thousand dollars in the right way, i'll give you the fifty thousand dollars from your uncle and here it is. But spent it in the wise way, not in the foolish way like the way you did a long ago."
"Okay" Gillian went out and walking whistling happily

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